Elisabeth Møller Jensen 

- Author and lecturer

​Since 1970 I have been preoccupied with gender,

literature and politics
and most of what I have written
the last 50 years has reflected that interest.

​Fotograf Suste Bonnén


and director for KVINFO, 1990-2014

Since 1970, I have been preoccupied with gender, literature, and politics, and most of what I have written in the last 50 years has reflected that interest. My first book “Roses and Laurels – on the basic structure of Thit Jensen’s women’s political writing” was a literary analysis of some early novels by Thit Jensen and a women’s political statement. The book was published in 1978.

During all my years as director of KVINFO, I edited a myriad of texts, and I wrote reviews, articles and contributions to anthologies myself. Only when I quit as director did I have time to write books again ..

My family story “Dengang i Lemvig” tells about my West Jutland background in a social democratic working class family, but it is perhaps especially about my gifted and mentally vulnerable mother. As the youngest of a large group of children on Thyholm, she grew up on a small farm in a family characterized by poverty and internal emission.

My latest book “To See with Your Own Eyes. My KVINFO ”is written on enthusiasm and pride in the completely unique institution I was head of for 24 years from 1990 – 2014 and as a protest against the political abuse that KVINFO was subjected to in the spring of 2017.“ To see with my own eyes ” is equal parts women’s history and contemporary history.


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Søndermarksvej 1A

DK-2500 Valby

Phone: +45 23 34 05 27

Mail: emjvalby@gmail.com

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